Africa Senior Women Investor Reception and Gala Dinner | 5 December 2022

We would like to invite you to PEWIN & SAVCA Africa event co-hosted with AVCA and EAVCA taking place on 5th December 2020 in Cape Town, South Africa in conjunction with the SuperReturn Africa conference.
Please register as we expect this event to be at capacity. This invitation is for PEWIN members and invited senior women investors and non-transferrable.
This holiday season is extra special as we celebrate PEWIN crossing the 1000-member mark!
The event is generously sponsored by MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates).
Click here for more details.
Register here.
V&A Waterfront Silo District, S Arm Rd, Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa
Event Starts
12/05/2022 6:00pm
Event Ends
12/05/2022 10:00pm
Ticket Cost
$50 / R900
Contact Person
Joanne Yoo