Behavioural Finance for Investment Decisions | 22 and 23 November 2021

Acquire the tools and frameworks you need to make better financial and investment decisions and to build profitable and sustainable investment portfolios, while capitalising on dysfunctional markets, volatility and uncertainty.

This programme gives you the psychological, neuroscientific and behavioural economics tools to see reason within market chaos and to leverage the rules and protocols for identifying solid investment opportunities. As increased levels of volatility and uncertainty cause market distortions, irrational investment decision-making prevails. You need to be able to grapple with the causes of such critical developments, to ensure that investment portfolios remain robust. With traditional forecasting and prediction models no longer applicable, you are required to go beyond the narrow fields of economics and finance to navigate the ‘new normal’: a fast-changing and increasingly complex global economic environment.

Click here to learn more. Or register now!

  • SAVCA Fee R15 300 (10% discount for SAVCA members)

For more info, contact:

Ginny Robertson
Head: CE Delivery
Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria

Main Tel: +27 11 771 4000

Online Event

Online Event

Event Starts

11/22/2021 12:00am

Event Ends

11/23/2021 11:00pm

Ticket Cost

Fee R17 000. SAVCA Fee R15 300 (10% discount for SAVCA members).

Contact Person

Ginny Robertson


+27 (0)11 771 4000
