ONLINE: SAVCA-GIBS Foundation Programme in Private Equity | 11 May – 03 June 2021

SAVCA and GIBS are proud to bring you our annual foundation programme for professionals who are either in the early stages of their careers in Private Equity, or would like to learn more about this particular asset class.
Given the success of last year’s programme, we will again offer the programme in the form of a live webinar series, with sessions taking place twice a week over a four-week period.
Course Overview:
The course will focus on the latest insights, best practice and experiences from industry professionals about the Private Equity value chain. This online course will run over a four-week period:
11 May – 03 June 2021
Online webinars will take place on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings.
Where relevant, pre-reading materials will be distributed prior to each session.
For more information and to register, please click here.
To view the agenda, click here.
Registration FEE
Standard Rate: R5 500 for SAVCA members | R6 750 for non-members
- 20% discount for group bookings of five or more from each firm
- 20% discount for GIBS PDBA/MBA alumni or current GIBS PDBA/MBA students
Online Event
Event Starts
05/11/2021 4:00pm
Event Ends
06/03/2021 10:30am
Ticket Cost
Standard Rate: R5 500 for SAVCA members | R6 750 for non-members - 20% discount for group bookings of five or more from each firm | 20% discount for GIBS PDBA/MBA alumni or current GIBS PDBA/MBA students
Contact Person
GIBS (Belinda) | SAVCA (Pule)
+27 11 268 0041