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SAVCA has commissioned two research reports to investigate the role that private equity and venture capital plays in South Africa for investors, policy makers and the public at large.

Private equity and venture capital in South Africa: A study of the role of private equity and venture capital in delivering on public policy objectives is a report independently produced by research house, Intellidex. It primarily focuses on how South Africa’s national policy objectives are affected by the activities of the private equity and venture capital industry. From creating jobs to improving the country’s competitiveness, the industry touches on many of our shared national goals.

Private equity and venture capital in South Africa: Assessing the case for institutional investment is a report aimed at professional investors and pension fund trustees. It outlines the role the asset class plays in portfolios, detailing the risk and return features of the asset class as well as its sustainability characteristics. It also examines how investors should assess private equity firms and the performance of their investments.

SAVCA also produces annual surveys of the private equity and venture capital industries that assess activities of the industries annually.