Media & News
SAVCA Newsletter | 20 May 2014
Newsletter 20 May 2014
Dear SAVCA members and friends
The countdown to the publication of the SAVCA-KPMG Private Equity Industry Survey has begun. Thanks to SAVCA members’ dedication in completing the rigorous survey questionnaire, we once again have a comprehensive annual picture of developments in the domestic private equity industry. On Tuesday 3 June the publication will be launched in Johannesburg, with the results presentation to be followed by a panel discussion amongst well-known South African deal-makers, advisors and analysts. Further details on this event, to be held at GIBS in Illovo, are listed below. The Cape Town launch will be at the offices of KPMG in Cape Town, on the morning of Friday 6 June.
For a look at the SAVCA member base featured in the SAVCA-KPMG industry survey, do flip through the SAVCA Members’ Directory 2014 on our website. Hardcopies are available from the SAVCA offices and will be on hand at member events throughout the year. You’ll also find copies of the Directory bagged with the June edition of Entrepreneur Magazine in selected retail stores. The SAVCA media release referring to this event is on our website.
Members and non-members are welcome at the SAVCA-GIBS Three-Day Foundation Programme in Private Equity, which will run on 6-8 August 2014 at GIBS. This unique programme presents all the elements of private equity as practiced in Southern Africa, from the pre-investment and investment stage, to post-investment considerations and exits. Experienced private equity practitioners, advisors and institutional investors give their views, practical experiences, research outcomes and case studies. Feedback from last year’s course was very positive, with delegates giving the overall event a score of 4.8 out of 5; the average speaker score was 4.4 out of 5
Keep checking on onto the SAVCA website to find new research, industry updates, and links to SAVCA members in the news. Also have a look at the website calendar function, where upcoming SAVCA and industry events are listed.
To ensure our coverage is as comprehensive as possible, keep sending us your news, whether deal announcements, opinion pieces, staffing changes and media mentions, and we’ll include these on the SAVCA website.
Similarly, Catalyst Magazine is requesting that SAVCA members submit details of staff changes, deal activity and fund raising activity. For announcements on changes in staffing, please include a brief bio and a high-resolution photo. Details can be sent to the editor, Michael Avery, at Speaking of which, SAVCA members can look forward to another year’s subscription to the Catalyst Magazine, as a gift from the Association.
Erika van der Merwe
SAVCA Events
Launch: SAVCA-KPMG Private Equity Industry Survey 2014 (JOHANNESBURG)
Date: 3 June 2014
Time: 17:00 for 17:30 to 19:30
Venue: Gordon Institute of Business (GIBS), 26 Melville Road, Illovo, Johannesburg
Launch: SAVCA-KPMG Private Equity Industry Survey 2014 (CAPE TOWN)
Date: 6 June 2014
Time: 09:00 for 09:30 to 11:00
Venue: KPMG Offices, MSC House, 1 Mediterranean Street, Foreshore, Cape Town
Private Equity Accounting Crash Course (JOHANNESBURG)
Presenter: Mariya Stefanova, Partner: Private Equity Accounting Insights
Date: 25-27 June 2014
Cost: Day 1 & 2 (theory): £2,189.89; Day 3 (practical exercises): £1,089.89
Day 1, 2 & 3 (theory + practical exercises): £2,889.89
15% discount for SAVCA members; 50% multiple-delegate discount
Registration and further details:
SAVCA-GIBS Three-Day Foundation Programme in Private Equity
Dates: 6-8 August 2014
Venue: Gordon Institute of Business (GIBS), 26 Melville Road, Illovo, Johannesburg
Cost: R8 500 for SAVCA members; R9 500 for non-members
Click here for further information and to register
BLC Chambers has provided SAVCA members with a formal note on the nature of an implications of the COMESA Competition Commission regulations.
Research and publications:
SAVCA-DBSA Economic Impact Study was well received by the private equity industry and the media. Visit the SAVCA website for the full report, highlights, video and media coverage.
Also available is the latest SAVCA-RisCura Quarterly Private Equity performance survey, underscoring the solid long-term performance of South African private equity.
You can also read The Search for Returns, SAVCA’s collaboration with AVCA and RIsCura, to present an inaugural survey amongst institutional investors of perceptions of African private equity. Visit the SAVCA website for the summary report, the media release and some of the media coverage.
SAVCA in the News
Private Equity for the Public Good
Media release: South African private equity a competitive long-term investment
SAVCA Members in the News
A Twitter diary of the EMPEA-IFC Conference in Washington, May 2014
Vantage provides R355m funding for property deals
On the JSE’s private equity listings pipeline
John Bellew, Webber Wentzel on CNBC Africa
Private Equity firm Phatisa transforms palm oil business in Sierra Leone
Africa’s turn: Comment from K&WM
Industry News and Insights
Insight: Private equity to drive BEE
Tanzania launches first ever private equity fund
Private-equity-backed funders coming to the rescue
Interest high in African equity deals
The value of building a business with an exit in mind
The Evolution of Wealth | InvestSA
Maps of Africa: Private Equity and Infrastructure Investment 2013 | WhiteAfrican
A case study: Business Partners
SARB circular: Relaxation of excon requirements for unlisted TMT companies
The OECD’s mission to clamp down on tax avoidance
Jobs portal
Contact to advertise an opening at your firm on our online jobs portal.
Advertising with SAVCA
SAVCA welcomes the opportunity of working with members and stakeholders in promoting the Southern African private equity and venture capital industry. The organisation constantly seeks creative ways of doing so, including through the marketing member firms’ activities. Should you wish to find out more about various marketing and advertising opportunities with SAVCA, contact the office on