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GIPF Request For Information: Investment Management Services

The Government Institutions Pension Fund (“GIPF”) is a defined benefit pension fund, administering pension benefits to approximately 106,000 active members and about 55,000 annuitants. As at 30 June 2019 Assets under management totalled N$118.3 Billion.

The GIPF’s mission is to safeguard and grow the Fund for the benefit of its stakeholders and Namibia. In so doing, the GIPF as a responsible investor seeks to invest in assets that offer portfolio diversification benefits; match Fund liabilities; achieve risk-adjusted returns as well as deliver socio-economic impact. The Alternative Investments Portfolio particularly targets such investments through unlisted Real Estate; Private Equity; Private Debt and Infrastructure.

GIPF is soliciting information from all qualified professional firms who are interested in providing Investment Management Services pertaining to Innovative End-user Funding for Residential Housing (RFI 001/2019) as well as Core Plus Commercial Property (RFI 002/2019).